TAKY PERRY (10 out of 10 ) This is a superb version of life in the 70s-80s. DiCaprio's characterization is so "right on" that I could see myself in each of his scenes. Having been there and done that, I honestly feel that I could have written the book, too. Other characters were slightly overdone (Jonah Hill's for example). I hada many friends who personified that personality- bullet-proof, overdose-immune and so-on. Overall, this is a "do not miss it" flick and my congrats go to Marty Scorsese.
Nawaf Atif (9 out of 10 ) This doesn't seem like it's the final script, some scenes weren't even in the film. Like, the one in the strip club with Mark Hanna (Matthew McConaughey). What's the deal there?